It's a long and extraordinary path to The Eternal City. Dimly aware of that meeting in January, when the Class of 2025 gathered in the Nash Rooms at the ICA, and now we are heading for the final leg of our nine weeks together.
We've said sad farewells to those who left after Venice and Florence, and now the core remain. The Pope has recovered, so our private visit to The Sistine Chapel looks much more secure (yes, we all watched Conclave!), and although the weather has been a bit on and off, the sun has shone, and our fantastic companion in Rome, the wonderful Frank Dabell has shown us some of the superb elements of a few 'off-piste' sites, including Santa Maria delle Pace, with the glorious Raphael frescoes, the old Stadium of Domitian, that became Piazza Navona, with its dazzling Fountain of the Four Rivers designed by Bernini and the Capitoline Museum.
And we still had time for fantastic ice cream!
Gregory Dowling joined us at The Keats/Shelley House museum and spoke about the final days of John Keats.
