The Course Register 2008
Bold Type indicates we believe to have an up-to-date postal address.* Asterisk indicates a son or daughter has also been on the Course.
Andrea Alvarado Gomez, Olivia Amter, Penelope Anderson, Catherine Bateson, Rufus Besterman, Jessica Cameron-Lewis, Laura Cecil, Jessica Charlton, Camilla Clowes, Megan Cooper, Joshua Davison, Rose de Pass, Harriet Dodd, Olivia Fellows, Henry Francklin, Eleanor Harvey, Victoria Hopkins, Charlotte Humphery, Alexander Hunting, Roseanna Ivory, Alexandra Kett, Clement Knox, Patrick Lakin, Kelly Lam, Aoife Larkin, Clare Lemke, Algernon Lendrum, Charles McAlpine, George Mackintosh, Nicholas Monroe, Dominic Pakenham, Dido Penny, Laura Quintrell, Francesca Ridgeon, Clementine Robertson, Susannah Robinson, Laura Robson, Wei-Tzen Sam, Esme Sutherland, Kathryn Taylor, Eleanor Trotman, Annelise Tvergaard, Katharina van Heuveln, Sophie Wright.
Record of Past Programme
The Pre-University Course
January 21 – March 21
Director: John Hall
Venice. Hotel Messner
Florence. Hotel Maxim
Rome. Hotel Smeraldo
Lectures: Istituto Canossiano
Lecturers and Syllabus
Vicky Avery B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Cantab.) Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Warwick
Visits throughout the city and lagoon islands
Bill Baker Director, Reids Wines
How to taste wines – Italian wines beyond the Tuscan Renaissance
Chantal Brotherton-Radcliffe M.A. Edinburgh, Ph.D. Warburg Institute, teaches for Sotheby’s Works of Art Course, specialising in Venetian Painting
How to look at a painting
David Bryant
Day to day music making in Italy from the 14th Century to the Napoleonic conquests
Louisa Buck M.A. Cambridge, M.A. Courtauld Institute, Journalist, broadcaster and art critic, reviewer for Radio 4’s Front Row. Author of Moving Targets: A Users Guide to British Art Now published by Tate Gallery Publications and Owning Art: the Contemporary Art Collectors Handbook. Turner Prize Judge 2005. Contemporary Art Correspondent for The Art Newspaper and a regular contributor to Artforum, Vogue and The Guardian.
Body Matters
Representing the human figure in contemporary art; tour of Tate Modern
Bruna Caruso Graduated in History of Art and Venice, works for the Superintendency of Art, teaches for the Hofstra University and Smithsonian Study Tours; she has written for various publications on Venetian Art and Architecture
Private visit to the Basilica
Jane da Mosto M.A. (Oxon.), MSc. Imperial College, London. Environmental scientist. Co-author of The Science of Saving Venice
The Science of Saving Venice
Gregory Dowling M.A. (Oxon.) is Associate Professor of American Literature at the University of Venice, has written thrillers set in Italy and England, translator
English poets in Italy
Byron in Venice; Shelley; Keats and Imagination; Browning and Italy; the literary image of Venice
Jill Dunkerton M.A. Restorer in the Conservation Dept., National Gallery, London. Author of numerous publications on restoration and the history of painting techniques.
Restoration of Paintings
Venetian paintings in the National Gallery (Private visits)
Hugh Edmeades joined Christie’s in 1978 as a specialist in the Furniture Department. Became Director in 1984 and was appointed Chairman of Christie’s South Kensington in 2001
The Auction Challenge
David Ekserdjian Ph.D. Professor of Art and Film, University of Leicester. He is author of Correggio (Yale University Press) 1997
Florence and Rome in the Sixteenth Century
Leonardo; Raphael; Michelangelo, Caravaggio
Rosemary Forbes Butler B.A. International soprano, recording artist for sound tracks
Venetian love songs at Palazzo Gradenigo
Thomas Geisler MAS, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Design History and Theory critic and co-founder of the annual Vienna Design Weeks
Modern Italian design
From A like Alessi to Z like Zanotta
Ryan Gilbey is film critic of the New Statesman and a regular contributor to the Sunday Times, The Guardian and Sight & Sound. He read English and American Literature at Kent University in Canterbury and was named Young Film Journalist of the Year by The Independent in 1993. He is the author of several books, including It Don’t Worry Me, about 1970s US cinema, and a monograph on Groundhog Day in the BFI Modern Classics series
Why we watch films
Looking at different ways of watching films and how film can do more than entertain; examining film as an active rather than passive experience for the viewer through a look at definitions of ‘art’ and ‘entertainment’
Beyond Hollywood: world cinema today
Its relationship with Hollywood; exploring the wealth of films available outside the US-dominated hegemony;
Who’s the boss?
Examining the history of auteur theory, its validity today and why we debate authorship anyway
Getting from A to B via Z: alternative ways of storytelling in cinema
New waves: the European revolution of the 1950 and 1960s; examining the vibrant cinema that in turn was the catalyst for the 1970s US revolution; British cinema from kitchen sink to Red Road
Jane Glover CBE, M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.) Conductor. Author of Mozart’s Women (Macmillan) 2005
The prodigy; declaration of independence; the final curtain
John Hardy Christie’s Furniture Consultant and Researcher since the late 1980’s. Formerly a curator in the Victoria & Albert Museum’s Furniture Department
A view of the commercial art world – the auction house
Frances Harris
The bricks of Venice
Charles Hope M.A., D.Phil. Director of the Warburg Institute, London University. Formerly Slade Professor of Fine Art, Oxford University. An Organiser of the Genius of Venice exhibition at the Royal Academy, author of Titian, and other publications
Art and its meaning
What’s art for? The purpose of art from 5th Century mosaics to the Italian Renaissance; art for public display; art for pleasure
Deborah Howard M.A. (Cambridge), M.A., Ph.D. Courtauld Institute, FSA, FSA Scot., Hon. FRIAS. Professor of Architectural History and Fellow of St John’s College Cambridge. Head of Department of History of Art, University of Cambridge. Author of Jacopo Sansovino: architecture and patronage in Renaissance Venice, The Architectural History of Venice and Venice and the East
Venetian Architecture
Venice’s amphibious townscape; Venice and the East; Ruskin’s Venice; order and orders in Piazza San Marco; the plague and its impact on the city; John Ruskin and Venetian gothic
The plague in Venice
Jeremy Howard M.A. (Oxon.), M.A. Courtauld Institute is a lecturer in Art History at the University of Buckingham. He has published many articles on aspects of eighteenth and nineteenth-century collecting with particular reference to The Grand Tour.
The Grand Tour
Venetian Architecture – Venice and the east
Geoffrey Humphries Portrait-figure artist, has lived in Venice for 30 years and exhibited throughout Europe
Life drawing and portraiture classes
Peter Lauritzen M.A. Resident in Venice since 1967, author of Palaces of Venice, Venice: 1,000 years of Culture and Civilization, The Islands and Lagoons of Venice and UNESCO report: Venice Restored, editor at large of Architectural Digest
Venetian History (1), (2) Restoration in Venice The Venetian palace Palladio
An introduction to Venetian painting – visit to Accademia Gallery
Visit to San Giorgio Maggiore, now the Fondazione Giorgio Cini and Palladian villas in the Veneto, Villa Malcontenta, Villa La Rotonda and Teatro Olimpico at Vicenza
Vivien Lovell B.A., FRSA, Hon. FRIBA Contemporary art curator specialising in the field of permanent and temporary public commissions. Director of Modus Operandi Art Consultants, formerly Founder Director of Public Art Commissions Agency. She was co-publisher of Public Art Space (Merrell Holberton) 1998
Public art today
Nigel McGilchrist M.A. (Oxon.) Has lived and worked as an Art Historian in Rome for over twenty years. He has taught at Rome University and has been Director of the Anglo-Italian Institute, and External Consultant to the Superintendence of Fine Arts of the Italian Government. Lectures widely in the USA on art and archaeology at museums and universities. He is Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Blue Guides series, and currently writing the new Blue Guide to the monuments and archaeology of the Greek Islands.
About stone
From the depths of the earth to the pavements of heaven: ancient coloured marbles in Venice; from solidity to sensuality: the story of how stone becomes sculpture
Richard MacKenney MA, PhD., F.R.Hist.S. Professor of History, the State University of New York, Binghamton. Author of Tradesmen and traders: the world of the guilds in Venice and Europe 1250-1650 (1987), Sixteenth Century Europe (1993) and Renaissance: the cultures of Italy, c.1300-c.1600 (Macmillan) 2005
The Italian contribution to Western civilisation
David Newbold M.A. (Oxon.), M.A. (Reading) Linguistics, teaches English at University of Verona, author of English language teaching materials, education broadcaster, journalist, and correspondent in Italy for The Times Educational Supplement
Education in Italy
Paula Nuttall PhD., Courtauld Institute. Began lecturing at the British Institute of Florence. Course Tutor for Victoria & Albert Museum’s Medieval and Renaissance Year Course. Also teaches for Courtauld Institute and Christie’s. Her book From Flanders to Florence, the Impact of Netherlandish Painting was published by Yale in 2004
The classical language of architecture
Peter Phillips M.A. Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres 2005. Well-known broadcaster and conductor, founder Director of the Tallis Scholars (Gramophone Record of the Year Award 1987), Music critic The Spectator. Publisher of The Musical Times. Director of Music, Merton College, Oxford from autumn 2008.
The tradition of classical music in Europe
Chant and polyphony in the western tradition; Monteverdi and the Venetian revolution; the contribution of Bach and Handel; the creation of the modern orchestra
Rose Prince writes food columns for The Daily Telegraph, The Evening Standard and The Tablet. Author of The New English Kitchen and the Savvy Shopper and she is working on her third book.
Pasta and la cucina Italiana
Sarah Quill has worked as a photographer in Venice for 25 years to create an extensive photographic archive of the city’s architecture, environment and daily life. Trustee of the Venice in Peril Fund; consultant for Lancaster University’s research project on Ruskin’s Venetian notebooks. Her book Ruskin’s Venice: the Stones Revisited was published in 2000
Photography classes
Jeremy Sams B.A. Director and translator. Opera translations include Wagner’s Ring, Mozart’s Figaro, Magic Flute and Cosi Fan Tutte (ENO), Lehar’s Merry Widow (Covent Garden). Frequent broadcaster on opera and other music including his series, Sams at the Opera for Radio 3. Recent work as director includes Little Britain Live and The Sound Of Music at the London Palladium.
Opera – all human life is here
Families – together and apart; love, lust or more infatuation; making the right decision – fidelity, forgiveness, acceptance; deadly sins – jealousy, rage and worse
Matteo Sansone Ph.D. (Edin.) is an expert on operatic literature and his special field is late nineteenth-century Italian opera on which he has published several studies. He runs the opera courses at the British Institute of Florence
The Monteverdi operas
Jasper Sharp M.A. (Edin.) Former Exhibitions and Collections co-ordinator at Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. Now an independent curator and writer based in Vienna, Austria
From modern to contemporary art
When art went west – the transition of art-world power form Paris to New York prior to and during World War II
The Venice Biennale, How the art market shapes the art we know
Peggy Guggenheim (private visit to Guggenheim Collection of Modern Art)
Susan Steer M.A. Ph.D. Lecturer (part time) History of Art, University of Bristol and co-tutor in History of Art for the Warwick University ‘Venice term’ B.A. and M.A. programmes ‘Art in Northern Italy 1200-1600’.
Visits throughout the city and lagoon islands
Joachim Strupp Ph.D. (St. Andrews) Has been Lecturer in History of Art at the Universities of St Andrews and Buckingham for ten years and his special field is Italian Renaissance Sculpture on which he has published several studies. Now Fellow at the University of Buckingham and co-founder of Art Pursuits, which specialises in adult education and the organisation of cultural events
Renaissance art in Venice
Bellini; Giorgione; Tullio Lombardo; Titian; Tintoretto
Nicholas True CBE, M.A. Former Whitgift Research Student at Peterhouse, Cambridge, in the field of Byzantine Studies. Publications on Byzantium
Byzantine art
The transformation of the Roman world: Ravenna and a new Christian civilisation; mirror in the east: the splendour and fall of Byzantium and its impact on Venice
Andrew Tyley B.Sc., B. Arch., M. Arch. (Yale), ARB, RIBA. Associate Director at Richard Rogers Partnership, architects responsible for the Centre Pompidou, Paris, the Lloyds Building, London and the new Millennium Project at Greenwich
Architecture Today
Jon Whiteley D.Phil. Senior Assistant Keeper, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. He has written several books on European Art including the complete catalogues of French drawings in the Ashmolean
Introduction to Florence, Florentine painting, architecture and sculpture
On site visits
Rosella Zorzi Professor in American Literature, University of Venice. Director Società Dante Alighieri, Venice
Henry James in Venice
Orientation walk-abouts (2); the Accademia Gallery; the Frari; S. Marco, Palazzo Ducale
Private visit to Guggenheim Collection of Modern Art
Private visits: Dr Bruna Caruso to S. Marco with the mosaics illuminated, with Peter Lauritzen to S.Giorgio Maggiore, now the Fondazione Giorgio Cini; to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and to Palazzo Gradenigo for a musical evening with Rosemary Forbes-Butler. Visits throughout the city and lagoon islands with Vicky Avery and Susan Steer (week C).
Visit to Ravenna – S.Apollinare in Classe; S. Vitale; Tomb of Galla Placida; Orthodox Baptistery; the Museum; S. Apollinare Nuovo.
Visit to Padua – the Scrovegni Chapel – Giotto; the Erimitani – Mantegna; the Santo, the Scuola
del Santo – Titian.
In the Veneto – Palladian Villas in the Veneto.
Classes in Venice:
Life Drawing and Portraiture – Geoffrey Humphries
Photography – Sarah Quill
Italian – Teachers trained by Società Dante Alighieri (extra charge)
Jon Whiteley D.Phil. Senior Assistant Keeper, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. He has written several books on European Art including the complete catalogues of French drawings in the Ashmolean
Charles Hall M.A.
Introduction to Florence and on-site visits – Jon Whiteley and Charles Hall
Florentine Painting, Architecture and Sculpture
Uffizi Gallery, the Accademia (Private Visits)
The Medici Chapel, Museo dell’ Opera del Duomo, S. Croce, Pazzi Chapel, Santa Maria Novella, the Duomo, Piazza della Signoria, the Bargello, San. Lorenzo, The Laurentian Library, Sta Trinita, Rucellai chapel, Orsanmichele, Ospedale degli Innocenti
San Marco, Galleria Palatina, Santa Felicità, Brancacci Chapel.
Visit to Gardens of Villa Gamberaia at Settignano
Classes: Life Drawing at Charles Cecil Studio
Lectures: Matteo Sansone Ph.D. (Edin.) is an expert on operatic literature and his special field is late nineteenth-century Italian opera on which he has published several studies. He runs the opera courses at the British Institute of Florence
The Monteverdi operas
Nigel McGilchrist M.A. (Oxon.) Has lived and worked as an Art Historian in Rome for over twenty years. He has taught at Rome University and has been Director of the Anglo-Italian Institute, and External Consultant to the Superintendence of Fine Arts of the Italian Government, during that period. He lectures for a consortium of American Universities, teaching the history of painting techniques and materials. A frequent contributor to the Arts Page of The Times and a regular lecturer for the San Diego Museum of Art, California.
On first evening, a walk around the historic centre of Rome introducing its main landmarks and monuments to include Campo de Fiori area – Palazzo della Cancelleria, Palazzo Farnese and Palazzo Spada: the Ghetto area, the Capitol Hill and Michelangelo’s Square, the Trevi Fountain; the Hadrianeum; and past the Pantheon to Piazza Navona
An Introduction to Rome by coach to include the Tiber and the Isola Tiberina, Castel S.Angelo, St.Peter’s, the Janiculum Hill, the ‘Fontanone’, Bramante’s Tempietto,S.Pietro in Montorio, the Pyramid of Cestius & the Protestant Cemetery, the Baths of Caracalla, the Circus Maximus; the Via Appia Antica and the tomb of Cecilia Metella, and S. Giovanni in Porta Latina, S.Maria degli Angeli, Santa Constanza, S. Agnese fuori le Mura.
Following days – visits to include:
Classical Rome and the Classical Survival in later epochs from the Capitol Hill into the Roman and Imperial Fora; the Colosseum; the Arch of Constantine, the church of SS.Cosman & Damian; Trajan’s Markets and Column
The Heart of Rome: The Pantheon; Borromini’s Church of Sant’ Ivo alla Sapienza, The Caravaggio chapels in S. Luigi de’ Francesi and Sant’ Agostino, The Ara Pacis, and the Piazza di Spagna area.
Private visits to the Borghese Collection (The Bernini sculptures and the paintings collection at the Villa Borghese) and to the Keats and Shelley Memorial House
Independent visit to the interior of St Peter’s Basilica, Private visit to The Vatican Collections, including Cortile Ottagonale, Antiquities Collections, the Chapel of Nicholas V, the Raphael Rooms and Sistine Chapel
VISIT to Villa d’Este and Temple of Sibilla at Tivoli and lunch at the Ristorante Sibilla