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In Italy students stay in central hotels, sharing rooms mainly in threes and fours. Continental breakfast and dinner is included.

Our hotel in Venice is in the historic centre of the city, a few minutes from our lecture centre and the bustling, fun Campo Santa Margherita. Students will be in shared accommodation, unless specifically requested (an extra charge is levied for single room occupancy). Breakfast is supplied and we will have dinner in a local restaurant every evening.

The Directors John and Charles Hall are resident in Italy throughout the course and a member of staff lives in the same hotel as the students.

No accommodation or meals are provided in the London week but we are able to assist students needing accommodation for that week, by putting them in touch with families who have had our students as guests in the past. The cost is approximately £400 to include meeting at Heathrow airport on arrival, taking to Heathrow on departure for Venice, breakfast and evening meal

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