The Course Register 1996
Bold Type indicates we believe to have an up-to-date postal address.* Asterisk indicates a son or daughter has also been on the Course.
Mary Bonner Baker, Andrew Benitz, Alexandra Brenninkmeyer, Melissa Buttenheim, Lucy Callingham, Katherine Crossman, Colee Curtis, Charles De Bono, Louisa Doble, Lorna Dudley-Williams, Coburn Everdell, Clair Fisher, Kate Gray, Claire Greener, Isabel Grimshaw, Rebecca Harrel, Cleone Harrison, Andrew Harvey, Martha Hoyer Millar, Daisy Hutchison, Natalia Illingworth, Fiona Jackson, Heather Kirkman, Jaqueline Klein, Hannah McGlue, Diana Magnay, Thomas Methuen-Campbell, Emily Muller, Cecelia Napier, Gemma Norton, Serena Nutting, Elizabeth Parker, Joanna Richards, Jessica Roake, Bronte Robinson, Rebecca Rudd, Georgina Slade, David Slater, Daniel Smulian, Antonia Spurrier Kimbell, Jane Stanley, Nicola Turner Inman, Sarah Villiers, Rebecca Yolland.
Record of Past Programme
The Pre-University Interim Course
January 22 – March 21
Director: John Hall
Venice. Pensione Atlantico
Florence. Hotel Maxim
Rome. Pensione Lydia Venier
Lectures: The Dante Alighieri Society (Arsenale)
Lecturers and Syllabus
John Allison B.Mus., Ph.D. Assistant Editor of Opera Magazine, writes on music for the Financial Times and other papers. Author of Edward Elgar: Sacred Music and The Mitchell Beazley Pocket Companion to Opera
Rossini: crossing the boundaries; Verdi: operatic giant; Puccini and his world; Russia: from Italian outpost to operatic nation; the 20th century opera as a modern art form.
Chantal Brotherton-Radcliffe M.A. Edinburgh, Ph.D. Warburg Institute, teaches for Sotheby’s Works of Art Course, specialising in Venetian Painting
How to look at a painting
Louisa Buck M.A. Cambridge, M.A. Courtauld Institute. Journalist, broadcaster and art critic. Presenter of Radio 4’s Kaleidoscope, contemporary arts columnist for The Independent and GQ magazine
Modern Art
Abstract art: the birth of Modernism; Dada and Surrealism: order out of anarchy; pop art and pop culture: consumerism celebrated; modern art in Venice: the artistic life and loves of Peggy Guggenheim and the role of the Venice Biennale; art now: pushing back the boundaries.
Bruna Caruso
Visit to Padova
Scrovegni Chapel – Giotto; Eremitani – Mantegna; Santo – Donatello; Scuola del Santo – Titian.
Sonia Coode-Adams Collector of contemporary art and director of her own company, which sells contemporary paintings to city corporations and others
How to look at modern art
Visit to Corke Street Gallery
Mike Davies Partner in Richard Rogers, architects responsible for the Centre Pompidou, Paris, the Lloyds Building, London and Stansted Airport
Architecture today
Gregory Dowling M.A. (Oxon.), teaches at the University of Venice, has written thrillers set in Italy and England, translator
Byron; Shelley in Venice
Jane Glover M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.), conductor, broadcaster and writer
The prodigy; declaration of independence; the final curtain; Mozart in context.
Charles Hope M.A., D.Phil. Lecturer in Renaissance Studies, Warburg Institute, London University, formerly Slade Professor of Fine Art, Oxford University. An organiser of the ‘Genius of Venice’ exhibition at the Royal Academy, author of Titian and other publications
Renaissance art and history; Renaissance art and criticism
Vasari, art history, Florence and Venice
The altarpiece; religious narratives; history, ancient and modern; mythology and allegory; Veronese and secular decoration in Venice.
Deborah Howard M.A Cambridge, Ph.D. Courtauld Institute, FSA, FSA Scot. Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge. Commissioner of Royal Fine Art Commission for Scotland and Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Author of Jacopo Sansovino: architecture and patronage in Renaissance Venice and The Architectural History of Venice
Venetian Architecture
Venice’s amphibious townscape; Venice and the East; Ruskin’s Venice; Piazza S. Marco as a theatrical space; the plague and its impact on the city.
Geoffrey Humphries Portrait-figure artist, has lived in Venice for 25 years and exhibited throughout Europe
Life drawing classes and portraiture classes
Richard Knight
The commercial art world
At Colnaghi’s
Peter Lauritzen M.A., resident in Venice since 1967, author of Palaces of Venice, Venice: 1,000 years of Culture and Civilization, The Islands and Lagoons of Venice, UNESCO report: Venice Restore, editor at large of Architectural Digest
Venetian History (1); (2). Restoration in Venice Venetian palaces Palladio
Visit to San Giorgio Maggiore and Palladian villas in the Veneto, Villa Cornaro, Villa Emo at Fanzolo, Villa Barbaro at Maser.
Richard MacKenney Ph.D. Reader in History, Edinburgh University. Author of Tradesmen and traders: the world of the guilds in Venice and Europe 1250-1650 (1987) and Sixteenth Century Europe (1993)
The Italian contribution to the civilisation of the West
Lord McAlpine
David Newbold M.A. (Oxon.), M.A. (Reading) Linguistics, teaches English at University of Verona, author of English language teaching materials, education broadcaster, journalist, correspondent in Italy for The Times Educational Supplement
Italian schools and universities
Paula Nuttall B.A., Ph.D. Courtauld Institute. Lectures in the field of Italian and Netherlandish Renaissance painting for the Universities of Cambridge and London (Courtauld, UCL and Birkbeck), the National Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum
The classical language of architecture
How to look at a painting
Nicholas Penny Ph.D. Clore Curator of Renaissance Art, National Gallery. Formerly Slade Professor of Fine Art, Oxford and Keeper of Department of Western Art, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Books include Raphael (with Roger Jones), Taste and the Antique (with Francis Haskell). Responsible for organising exhibitions and catalogues of numerous artists, including Reynolds
How the National Gallery works
Measures of Excellence
Raphael, Michelangelo, Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto (in the church of the Gesuati), the heirs of Raphael and Titian.
Peter Phillips well known broadcaster and conductor, Professor of Music, Royal College of Music, founder-director of the Tallis Scholars (Gramophone Record of the Year Award 1987), music critic, The Spectator. Publisher of The Musical Times
The tradition of classical music in Europe
Chant in the western tradition; Renaissance polyphony; Monteverdi and the Venetian revolution; the contribution of Bach and Handel.
Penny Sparke Senior tutor in History of Design at the Royal College of Art. Author of among other books, Italian Design 1870 to the Present. She is a regular contributor to international design magazines and frequently broadcasts on the subject
Modern Italian design
Nicholas True M.A. former Whitgift Research Student, Peterhouse, Cambridge in the field of Byzantine Studies. Publications on Byzantium
Byzantine art
The origins of Byzantine style – Ravenna; the golden age of Byzantium; Byzantium and Venice; Torcello and San Marco.
Caroline Villers B.A. (Oxon.), M.A. Courtauld Institute, Diploma in Conservation, Courtauld Institute, lecturer in conservation of paintings, Courtauld Institute
Painting techniques
Tempera – the craft of painting; oil painting and individuality; Impressionism: new materials; conservation and change (time); conservation and change (restoration).
Rosella Zorzi Professor in American Literature, University of Venice, Director, Societa Dante Alighieri, Venice
Ezra Pound
American and English views on Titian and Tintoretto
Visit to Ravenna – Sant’Apollinare in Classe; San Vitale; Tomb of Galla Placidia; Orthodox Baptistry; museums; Sant’Apollinare Nuovo
Charles Cecil
Art classes
Francine Van Hertsen M.A. Art History (Louvre, Paris), Diploma of Institute of Painting Conservation, Florence, Art History teacher, Chief Restorer of the frescoes of S. Luigi dei Francesi, Rome
Introduction to Florence. Florentine Architecture and Sculpture; visits to Museo del Opera del Duomo, Piazza della Signoria, Bargello, Baptistry, Duomo, San Lorenzo (Brunelleschi), Santa Croce and Pazzi Chapel. Florentine Painting; visits to Uffizi Gallery, Santa Maria Novella, Santa Felicita, Santo Spirito, Carmini; Fra Angelico and Michelangelo; visits to San Marco and Accademia.
Joachim Strupp Ph.D. (St. Andrew’s) Teaches at University of Buckingham. He has recently lived in Italy for three years and his speciality is Italian Renaissance Sculptured Altarpieces on which he has published several studies
Visits to the monument to Vittorio Emmanuele, Capitole, SS. Martina e Luca, Forum Romanum, Palatine, Fora of the Emperors, Colosseum, S. Cemente, S. Pietro in Vincoli. Piazza Barbarini, Fontana del Tritone, Piazza di Spagna and the Spanish Steps, Piazza del Popolo and S. Maria del Popolo (Caravaggio), Piazza Navona: Fountain of the Four Rivers (Bernini) and S. Agnes in Piazza Navona (Borromini), S. Maria della Pace, S. Luigi dei Francesi (Caravaggio).The Pantheon, Trevi Fountain and SS. Vincenzo e Anastasio. St. Peter’s Basilica.
Baroque Rome: Il Gesu, S. Andrea al Quirinale, S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, S. Maria della Vittoria, S. Susanna.
Private visits to Vatican Museums including the Apollo Belvedere and Laocoon statues, the Sistine Chapel and Raphael’s Stanze.
Baroque Rome: Il Gesu, S.Ivo alla Sapienza (Borromini), S.Andrea al Quirinale (Bernini), S.Carlo alle Quattro Fontane (Borromini), S.Maria della Vittoria (Bernini:Ecstasy of St. Theresa), S.Susanna (facade).
Villa D’Este and the Temple of Vesta, Tivoli.