The Course Register 1989
Bold Type indicates we believe to have an up-to-date postal address.* Asterisk indicates a son or daughter has also been on the Course.
Angus Barnes, Anthony Beal, Valeria Blasco, Miranda Brankin-Frisby, Anne Brimacombe, Jane Brown, Zoe Clapp, Christopher Davison, Henry Dawnay, Jessica De Havilland, Henrietta Dewar, Duncan Easton, Larissa Elliot, Catharine Gluckstein, Henrietta Gibbons, Henrietta Grant, Katherine Grantham, Ross Huelin, Demelza Hugh-Jones, Susannah Humphreys, Diana Isaacs, Nicola Isdell-Carpenter, William Jodrell, Matthew Kabat, Katie Kimmins, Alexandra Laing, Joanna Lapping, Miranda Leatham, Katharine Leeper, Sophie McKinlay, Alexandra Merry, Katharine Murray, Camilla Neame, Amy Nicholson, Karen Pease, Amanda Pirie, Jane Pollard, Vanessa Poole, Alicia Pulsifer, Sofie Reynolds, Kate Richards, Camilla Ridley, Sarah Rooney, Katherine Roscoe, Paul Rutman, Charlotte Seaman-Hill, Susanna Smith, Kate Stancomb, Charlotte Surtees, Rosamund Walker, Nicholas Williams, Anna Wood.
Record of Past Programme
The Pre-University Interim Course
January 23 – March 19
Director: John Hall
Venice. Pensione Atlantico
Florence. Pensione Medici
Rome. Hotel Smeraldo
Lectures: The Dante Alighieri Society (Arsenale)
Lecturers and Syllabus
Bruce Boucher Ph.D. Lecturer, University College, London
Venice – the fabric of the city
David Ekserdjian M.A. Former Christie’s Fellow Balliol College, Oxford and lecturer, Courtauld Institute, art critic, The Independent
2 lectures
Venetian painting
Giotto in Padua; Mantegna and Bellini; Giorgione and painting around 1500; Tintoretto and Veronese
Jane Glover M.A., D.Phil. Artistic Director, London Mozart Players, Fellow of St Hugh’s College, Oxford
The prodigy; declaration of independence; the final curtain
Sir John Hale Professor of Italian History, London University
The Italian achievement
Humanism in Italy; Petrarch; Machiavelli; Castiglione; the Medici; Renaissance Popes.
Bernard Hickey M.A. Professor of Commonwealth Literature, University of Venice
Ruskin in Venice
Charles Hope Ph.D. Lecturer in Renaissance Studies, Warburg Institute, University of London
Altarpieces; religious narratives; histories – ancient and modern; mythology and allegory; Veronese and secular decoration in Venice
Deborah Howard Ph.D. Lecturer, Edinburgh University, author of The Architectural History of Venice
Venetian Architecture
The Venetian townscape; traditional building types; improving the public image; Piazza San Marco; the plague and its architectural consequences.
Peter Lauritzen M.A. Author of Palaces of Venice, Venice: 1,000 years of Culture and Civilizatio, The Islands and Lagoons of Venice, UNESCO report: Venice Restored
Venetian History 1, 2
Restoration in Venice
The Venetian Palace
Byron in Venice
John Matthews Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, Lecturer, Oxford University
Rome and Holy Rome
Myths of Empire
Nigel McGilchrist B.A. Consultant to Sovraintendenza alle Belle Arti, Rome, Director, the Anglo-Italian Institute, Rome
Ancient Rome
An introduction
Rodney Milnes M.A. Editor, Opera Magazine, music critic, The Spectator
Opera; Exotic and Irrational or the Summit of Dramatic Art?
Drama through music – Monteverdi to bel canto; literary opera – Gluck to Wagner; Mozart, Rossini and the world of comedy; Verdi and dramatic truth; Puccini – realism unleashed.
Peter Phillips M.A. Professor, Royal College of Music, Director, The Tallis Scholars, music critic, The Spectator
Nationalism in music
A history of Sacred music
Plainsong – the New Art 1250-1400; an International style – the Netherlanders abroad; functional Music – the Protestant Reformation; the Catholic response in Venice; operatic church music – Bach to Haydn; church music in an age of Agnosticism.
The orchestra
The birth of the classical symphony orchestra; the growth of the orchestra; Beethoven to Mahler
Terisio Pignatti Professor, History of Art, University of Venice
Canaletto and the Guardi; Tiepolo
Timothy Prus B.A. Art dealer, specialist in 20th century Italian art
Italian art and design in the 20th century
Modern art in Italy
An introduction to 20th century art and design; Marinetti and futurism; technology and art in Italy 1909 -1939; De Chirico and metaphysical painting; art in Italy 1945-1987
Brian Pullen Ph.D. Professor of Modern History, Manchester University
Christina Thoresby
Pisanello; Leonardo da Vinci; Lorenzo Lotto
Nicholas True M.A. former Whitgift Research Student, Peterhouse, Cambridge
Byzantine civilisation
Byzantine art; Ravenna; Venice and Byzantium
Caroline Villers M.A. Lecturer, Courtauld Institute, London University
Media and techniques in painting
Italian quattrocento painting techniques; early Netherlandish painting techniques; Venetian painting techniques; Impressionist painting techniques.
Jon Whiteley Ph.D. Assistant Keeper, Department of Western Art, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Renaissance art in Rome – Medieval painting in central Italy
Quattrocento painting in Florence; Donatello and sculpture; Brunelleschi and architecture; Mannerism; cinquecento painting in Florence; Raphael; Michelangelo; Bernini and Borromini
Rosella Zorzi Professor in American Literature, University of Venice, Vice-Director, Societa Dante Alighieri, Venice
Ezra Pound in Venice
Architectural sketchbooks – William Bird
Contemporary dance – Struan Leslie
Painting – Gregory Alexander
Life drawing – Geoffrey Humphries
Photography – Sarah Quill
Venetian-style rowing
Italian language classes – Società Dante Alighieri