The Course Register 1978
Bold Type indicates we believe to have an up-to-date postal address.* Asterisk indicates a son or daughter has also been on the Course.
Charles Anderson, John Armitage, Heidi Bartlett, Fiona Barton, Timothy Batstone, Edward Baxter, Charles Beddington, Katharine Cemlyn-Jones, Fiona Common, Catherine Cooksey, Joanna Cubitt, Adrian Cussins, Julian Davies, Peter Dennis, Caroline Duff, Laura Fiennes, Rose Francklin, Quentin Freeman, Mary Ann Gaddesden, Mathew Gale, Jennifer Gee, Celia Gibb, Joanna Glynn, Diana Goodall *, Anne-Louise Gurney, Charles Hall, Mary Harding, Silas Hawkins, Jennifer Hoffman, Adrian Hogarth, Timothy Holt-Wilson, Erica Kendall, Jane Liddell, Adam Lowe, Camilla Lowther, Julie Marler, Victoria Mather, Michael Matthews, Diana Miller-Stirling, Miranda Morgan, Alison Murdoch, Celia Pakenham, Anne Pearson, Thomas Prest, Jonathan Radford, Phillipa Robinson, Orit Schreiber, Sheena Scott-Ricketts, Mary Ann Seighart, Jonathan Stebbing, Daniel Stephenson, Nicola Stewart-Meiklejohn, Robert Stirling, John Stonehouse, Tom Stuart-Smith, Richard Thompson, Paul Torrington, Clarissa Tritton, Fiona Wailes-Fairburn, Susan Whitaker, Emma Whitely, Andrew Wilson, Amelia Wood.
Record of Past Programme
The Contemporary Europe Pre-University Course in Venice
January 31 – March 20
Director: John Hall
Venice. Pensione Atlantico
Florence. Pensione Centrale
Rome. Pensione Lydia
Lectures: Palazzo Fortuny, Museo Correr or Pensione
Lecturers and Syllabus
Sir Ashley Clarke
Restoration in Venice
Visit to a site
John Cobb B.A., B.M.Ch., M.R.C.P., M.R.C. Psych. Institute of Psychiatry, London
Why Psychiatry?
‘Normality’ and ‘Madness’ – both myths? Models of mental illness; a ‘sick’ society or ‘sick’ individual? can sex be unhealthy? What is analysis? What is behaviourism? Do psychiatrists have to be doctors? indoctrination and sensory deprivation; the history of psychiatry; group interaction.
Nicholas Goncharoff D.Phil., Director. YMCA International, New York
The Soviet Union
Challenges of the first global civilization; the Soviet political elite and internal developments in the USSR; the development of dissent in the USSR; Moscow, Western Europe, Washington and Eastern Europe; the arts in the USSR.
Tom Hammond Music Consultant to the English National Opera, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music and the London Opera Centre
Italian Opera
How opera began; how an opera is produced; the words in opera; the great Italian opera composers; great Italian singers
Nick Hawtree
Theatre Workshop
Palazzo Fortuny Goldoni La Locandiera.
Doctor Bernard Hickey M.A. Professor of Commonwealth Literature, University of Venice
Elizabeth Mostyn-Owen B.A.
Iconography – Symbols and Subjects in Italian Art
Early Christian art in Rome; the Golden Legends; the saints and the development of the ‘sacra conversazione’ altarpiece
Andrew Martindale Professor of Art History, University of East Anglia.
Venetian and Northern Italian painting to Giovanni Bellini
Introduction; the trecento and early quattrocento including Giotto in Padova and Duccio in Sienna; from Gentile di Fabriano to Giovanni Bellini, including Mantegna, the Ferrara painters and Donatello.
Charles McCorquodale M.A.
Italian Painting from High Renaissance to Baroque
Marilyn Perry M.A., D.Phil.
Stella Rudolph B.A., Laurea, Lecturer in Art History, University of California Florence Program
A survey of Venetian painting and architecture
Venice – an introduction to the architecture; the Basilica; the Ducal Palace; the Scuole; Venetian architecture as the image of the state; Venetian architecture as the image of the individual; the Piazza and the Piazzetta; Giorgione; Titian; Tintoretto; Veronese; Palladio; Tiepolo and Longhi; Canaletto and the Guardi; Canova and Neo-Classicism.
Christina Thoresby
Some aspects of Carpaccio; Lorenzo Lotto; The Independent Realists
Van Eyck; Pisanello; Caravaggio; Georges de la Tour; Rembrandt; Wright of Derby.
Nicholas True B.A. Sometime John Whitgift Research Student in History, Peterhouse, Cambridge
Venice and Byzantium
The fall of the Roman Empire; Byzantium-Rome continued until 1025; theory and conventions of early Christian and Byzantine art; Ravenna; the origins and development of Venice; Venice and Byzantium: conflicts and contact; the importance of the idea of ‘Rome’ in Venice and Italy; the decline and fall of Byzantium.
Sandy Wilson Composer, writer of ‘the Boy Friend’
The Musical – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow