The Course Register 1968
Bold Type indicates we believe to have an up-to-date postal address.* Asterisk indicates a son or daughter has also been on the Course.
Katie Asquith, Judith Berry, Anthony Boyd, Katharine Brew, Roger Collins, Anthony Comfort, Robert Creighton, Andrew Dalton, Charles Diver, Richard Ellis, Robert Floyd, Angela Freid, Nigel Gauk-Roger (Deceased), Edward Gieve, Frances Gillitt, Anthony Greenwood, William Horder, Peter Judd, Jonathan Kay, Brian Lett, Geoffrey March, Charles Marshall, Anthony Milton, Christopher Monier-Adams, Angus Morison, Geoffrey Parker, Nicholas Penny, Henry Peterson, Christopher Phillips, William Podmore, Rupert Rosser, Carmen du Santoy, James Stewart, Richard Williamson.
Record of Past Programme
The Contemporary Europe Pre-University Course in Venice
February 24 – April 25
Director: John Hall
Venice. Pensione alla Salute da Cici
Lecturers and Syllabus
Laurence Chase B.A. Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Kent, Canterbury
What is philosophy?
Some conceptual problems: moral, religious; men and machines; the philosophy of history; Wittgenstein and art criticism; can art criticism be objective? What is a ‘work of art’?
Paul Ginsborg B.A. Research Fellow in Risorgimento History, Queens College, Cambridge
Venice 1815-66
The Austrian occupation; the revolution of 1848-9; the Austrians again; the liberation; the city in 1848; description; class structure; March days; aspects of the revolution; socialism; nationalism; international republicanism.
John Guthrie Lecturer in English, the University Institute of Language and Letters, Venice
Contemporary Italy
General introduction; modern Italy; the political structure; education and culture in Italy today; Italian folk music.
John Hale M.A. Professor of History, University of Warwick
Renaissance Europe
Man and nature; family and community; the state; earning a living; religion.
Renaissance Italy
‘Renaissance’ and ‘Middle Ages’; education and learning; humanism; Machiavelli and Castiglione; Italy and Europe.
Ronald Harris M.A. Head of the History Department, the King’s School, Canterbury
A survey of Venetian history
Three recorded lectures.
Peter Oppenheimer M.A. Lecturer in Economics, Christ Church, Oxford
What economics is about; how much do economists know?
The allocation of resources; economic stability and growth; the balance of payments and international monetary problems; government economic policies; the 20th century economic history; Britain’s economy: performance and prospects; Britain and the EEC.
Professor Dott. Terisio Pignatti Vice-Director of the Civic Museums of Venice.
A survey of Venetian architecture and of Venetian painting
From Ravenna mosaics to San Marco; trecento and early quatrocento; quatrocento – Mantegna, Carpaccio; the Bellini; cinquecento – Giorgione, Titian, Bassano, Tintoretto; seicento and early settecento – the baroque and rococo; settecento – Tiepolo and Longhi; landscape painting in the settecento – Canaletto, Guardi; Venice in settecento viewprints; architecture in Venice today.
Nicholas Ward-Jackson B.A. (Courtauld Institute), Scholar in Medieval and Later Italian Studies, the British School at Rome
Art Criticism
Baudelaire and Delacroix; Zola and the Impressionists; Ruskin and Turner; Pater and the Renaissance; art historical method and the Baroque; Caravaggio; Rembrandt; Rubens; Poussin.
Norman Williams M.Ed. Research Fellow in Psychology, Farmington Trust, Oxford
Scientific method and the social sciences
Statistics – use and misuse, relevance to social policy; the nature of measurement, types of measurement and scales; some important statistical concepts – measures of central tendency, of scatter, the normal distribution, probability significance and correlation; the application of measurement techniques – psychological tests, constructing tests, testing experimental hypotheses.
Theatre Production Director John Hall Teatro Ca’ Foscari. Ionesco The Bald Prima Donna; Pinter: The Lover (with Carmen du Sautoy).